Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lets Catch Up.

Ive only posted a few things and i already went missing, due to my mini laptop that has been acting up on me this past week. i need to take it into best buy and let them fix what they were supposed to fix before i left texas SMH (shaking my head for those of yall who dont know). any who i am at my school right now just got done revising my resume. Im tryna get that good ol' JAY OH BEE.

school is amazing. i love my school, my chef, surrounded by good people. im already learning a lot!! yesterday i got my first owie (awww) lol i cut my fingertip trying to clean up a lovely basket that i made out of a LEMON, yes a lemon. i know, im cool. I blame it on the fact that a crazyyyy storm came out of nowhere and i was frightened by the hard blowing wind blowing the rain sideways, the thunder that shook the whole building, and the lighting that was so bright i couldnt see .7 seconds after it lit........(0_o) thats to blame for my cut.

any who. so in the kitchen we are focusing on our cuts. i been cutting potatoes, onions, scallions, leeks, carrots, zuchini and such and learning different shapes and fancy french names. in the classroom im working on getting me ServSafe certification. Even though it is a very much needed class that everyone should take, its kinda scary. now i look at the simple foods like my milk and cookies, or a bowl of rice and think, man i might be putting a bad pathogen down my body, or make sure i cook that chicken right cuz i dont want NAN parasite!....ughh....
well i need to go get out of this uniform and go find a job.


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