Friday, July 22, 2011

gimme da' bacon!

yesterday, i made a red sauce. The sauce came out good, and mine was the best in the whole class =] lol naw but it came out really good, so another success!! i didnt make the pasta but learned how to make it. its really easy so im gonna have to try it out at home.
we got to go to another buffet yesterday too. basically we are test dummies for the people in higher classes that cook and need our feedback....I DONT MIND!! One thing I was afraid to try was the raw salmon. A guy had made a cream cheese, with lil salmon bits in it, which was really good. put that on a bagel with the salmon on top nd there ya go....i was nervous but i told myself i MUST try everything, at least once. but i can say that I would eat it again.
&who said bacon wasnt good in banana bread?! yes, banana bread. someone had made a BACON BANANA BREAD and it was #onpoint. lol sounds crazy, maybe all yall' baconaters just got excited...and you should because it was pretty darn good.
speaking of bacon, i got an interview monday. so you can say the job search is coming along. I need to start bringing home the bacon!!

                                                    yes, those are bacon bits sprinkled on top.


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