here are some things that ive made. we started on vegetable cookery, today we talked about BEANS. now i want to make chili (w/beans). ima come up with a recipe, Chef Mike didnt want to share his with me haha. *tear*
CELERI REMOULADE this is just celery root with a mayonnaise i made, mixed with capers and, DARN i for got the name of the lil pickles again. lol well thats whats mixed in.
this is nasty lol but called MACEDOINE DE LEGUMES. its basically vegetables cut up in macedoines ( small cubes) i cut up carrots, green beans, and turnips. boiled them then shocked them to bring the color out. then mixed it up with the mayonnaise that i made. aaannddd it basically taste like what you would think it would. mayonnaise and vegetables. -__-
Asperges Froids, Sauce Hollandaise. this is good. basically cooked (boiled) aspereges with a hollandaise sauce. simple but tasty.
Poireax Vinaigrette. all this is, is boiled leeks until soft, then shocked in ice water, then i made a vinagrette ( w/dijon mustard) and boiled eggs sprinkled on top. that sounds like a crazyy combo but it was actually really good. my vinaigrette didnt come out right tho i added too much oil so my plate wasnt really good, but now i know how to make a vinaigrette better.
THIS right chere!! is GOOOD!! it is Laitue Braisee. basically braised lettuce. its basically stuffing wrapped in lettuce, over carrots,celery, and onion (mirepoix) i made the stuffing, blanched then shocked the lettuce, rolled the stuffing with the lettuve. then cooked the carrots, celery, onion, garlic with salt pork. then i added some chicken stock. after i put the wraps on top of the mirepoix mixture with stock in the pan. then put the whole pan and err thang into the oven at about 300degrees and let it cook slowly. after about 20-30minutes i took the wraps out and the vegetables and left the juices in the pan. i cooked down the juices so it can turn into a lil bit of a sauce, then plated the vegetables and wrap (as seen above) then poured the sauce over. it was too good, and im happy that Chef was very please with it.
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