well, i still been at it! cooking and loving everything that im learning. im in the baking class right now so i been baking away. so much fun tho=]
Made a Quiche, or as i USED to say, Qwee-Shay. LOL
Apple pie.
Lemon Meringue Pie
Remember everyytthhiinngg is made from scratch. It took me 3 times to make the Meringue (white part) the right way, but on the 3rd try it came out Perfect!!! 3rd times a charm ;)
i was invited over My friend Jasons for thanksgiving. i couldnt go empty handed! so i made a few dishes=]
Panzanella SaladCreamed Spinach
Pepperanatta Chicken. i seasoned it with som Paprika, thyme, oregano. sliced up some bell peppers and onion. at the end tossed it in some parsley and cilantro. mmmmm came out so good! Thanks Chef Anne for the recipe!!!=[
&& for dessert, Pecan Pie
everything came out da bomb i was so happy. All Glory To God!!
Ima try to keep posting, ill post whenever i have time! i really have been busy. thank God i got today off!!! yeee!!!!
Oh!!! i made Creme Anlgaise yesterday, and then from that i made ice cream!!!! i was too excited!!! i have a pic of the anglaise, but i guess my phone didnt save the pic of the ice cream =/ bummer. but im going to make it again and take a pic and make sure its saved!!
Creme Anglaise. just egg, sugar, milk and vanilla.